Man sends 'pretty' photo of girlfriend to mum - then realises what's in the background
He accidentally gave away a saucy bedroom habit to his own mother

Once you fly the nest it's nice to send a photo to your parents every now and then.
But one young man regretted keeping in touch with his mum when he accidentally gave away his bedroom habits in a photograph.
Maison Vallance, from Tennessee, had lost a T-shirt his mother had bought for him and, when he found it again he was so pleased that he simply had to snap a photo and send it to her.
He took a picture of his girlfriend lying in bed, holding the T-shirt and smiling.
After he hit send, he posted the image on Twitter saying his girlfriend was "too pretty" not to share.
Nine minutes later, he realised his horrendous mistake and tweeted as it dawned on him.
What are those ropes for, you might ask? If you don't know, we suggest you don't Google it...
His picture has received more than 200,000 'likes' and almost 60,000 retweets since he posted it last week.
After the tweet went viral, various news outlets and websites started picking up the photo as a fun story.
So there was only one thing for it, he had to tell his mum the picture had gone global - and the reason why it was so popular.
Maison posted a link to the BuzzFeed article, to which his mum replied: "Has anyone considered what Meghan's mom will think of this?"
His response was simple: "She doesn't have social media."
Maison's mum didn't seem too disappointed in him, posting a 'Right On' sticker in the group.